Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Film Study - Different Types of Editing and Cut Shots Essay

Editing: the coordination between one shot with the next frames can be joined by several different types. Fade-out: gradually darkens the end of a shot to black. Fade-in beginning of a framel lightens the frame from black Dissolve: briefly superimposes the end of a shot A and the beginning of shot B Wipe: Shot A replaces Shot B by means of a boundary line line moving across the screen, wipes one image away while bringing about a new one. Cut: the most common means of joining two shots; instantaneous change from one shot to another Editing lets the film maker play with four different aspects: Graphic relations between shot A and shot B, Rhythmic relations between shot A and shot B, Spatial relations between shot A and shot B, and†¦show more content†¦Elliptical Editing: presents an action such that it consumes less time on the screen than it does in the story, often used for mundane events, ie man climbing stairs, director can use a punctuation shot change (dissolve, wipe, or fade) signals time has been omitted Cutaway: a shot of another event taking place that doesn’t last as long as the elided action. Overlapping editing: action from one shot is partly repeated as th beginning of the next shot. Narrative continuity: editing supported by strategies of cinematography and mise-en-scene, allows space, time, and action to continue in a smooth flow over a series of shots. Axis of action:, center line, or 180 degree line: scenes action is assumed to take place across a clear cut vector, presents a semi circle where the camera can be placed to record the action. Ensures that relative positions in the frame remain constant, ensures consistent eye lines, ensures consistent screen direction ïÆ'   as long as shots don’t cross the axis, cutting them together preserves the screen direction. The 180 system prides itself on delineating space clearly, viewers should always know where the characters aer in relation to one another and to the setting. Also, they viewer always knows where he or she is in relation to the story action Establishing shot: delineates the overall space of the office Shot/reverse shot: once line is established, can show first one end point of theShow MoreRelatedEditing Work Through The Industry Of Media981 Words   |  4 PagesSpecial investigation into editing I will be talking about editing work through the industry of media, we will start some of the software that is used in the industry today, these include, Premier pro, Avid, and final cut, avid has always been a strong editing software in the industry, but as some technology rises and falls premier pro is just edging the gap into the industry, as regular updates of this software make it the better choice for editing films together as different filters, transitions andRead MoreMontage From The Soviet Era Essay1353 Words   |  6 Pagesmontage dates back to the days of Eisenstein and it has greatly transformed the film industry in several major ways. 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