Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Film Study - Different Types of Editing and Cut Shots Essay

Editing: the coordination between one shot with the next frames can be joined by several different types. Fade-out: gradually darkens the end of a shot to black. Fade-in beginning of a framel lightens the frame from black Dissolve: briefly superimposes the end of a shot A and the beginning of shot B Wipe: Shot A replaces Shot B by means of a boundary line line moving across the screen, wipes one image away while bringing about a new one. Cut: the most common means of joining two shots; instantaneous change from one shot to another Editing lets the film maker play with four different aspects: Graphic relations between shot A and shot B, Rhythmic relations between shot A and shot B, Spatial relations between shot A and shot B, and†¦show more content†¦Elliptical Editing: presents an action such that it consumes less time on the screen than it does in the story, often used for mundane events, ie man climbing stairs, director can use a punctuation shot change (dissolve, wipe, or fade) signals time has been omitted Cutaway: a shot of another event taking place that doesn’t last as long as the elided action. Overlapping editing: action from one shot is partly repeated as th beginning of the next shot. Narrative continuity: editing supported by strategies of cinematography and mise-en-scene, allows space, time, and action to continue in a smooth flow over a series of shots. Axis of action:, center line, or 180 degree line: scenes action is assumed to take place across a clear cut vector, presents a semi circle where the camera can be placed to record the action. Ensures that relative positions in the frame remain constant, ensures consistent eye lines, ensures consistent screen direction ïÆ'   as long as shots don’t cross the axis, cutting them together preserves the screen direction. The 180 system prides itself on delineating space clearly, viewers should always know where the characters aer in relation to one another and to the setting. Also, they viewer always knows where he or she is in relation to the story action Establishing shot: delineates the overall space of the office Shot/reverse shot: once line is established, can show first one end point of theShow MoreRelatedEditing Work Through The Industry Of Media981 Words   |  4 PagesSpecial investigation into editing I will be talking about editing work through the industry of media, we will start some of the software that is used in the industry today, these include, Premier pro, Avid, and final cut, avid has always been a strong editing software in the industry, but as some technology rises and falls premier pro is just edging the gap into the industry, as regular updates of this software make it the better choice for editing films together as different filters, transitions andRead MoreMontage From The Soviet Era Essay1353 Words   |  6 Pagesmontage dates back to the days of Eisenstein and it has greatly transformed the film industry in several major ways. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Apostle Who Has The Word Love - 1480 Words

The apostle who personified the word love. Who other than John can be ascribed to this title? He alone was reserved the designation as the bosom-friend of Jesus, in many ways had become the best reflection so far as any human being can reflect the ideal of divine-human purity and holiness. John s brilliance resides in his ability to penetrate foundational towers that undergird the events of Jesus life. Unlike Peter and Paul, he wasn t a missionary or a man of action. â€Å"He did little, so far as we know, for the outward spread of Christianity, but all the more for the inner life and growth of Christianity where it was already established.†1There was nothing to be said about the government, the forms, and the rites of the visible church,†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In regards to Salome, she was a disciple of Jesus, and her following Him suggests that after the boys left home, Zebedee died and that the business was sold, allowing Salome to be one of the women who min istered to Jesus of her substance (in other words John came and was immersed in a spiritual home).†3 Another postulation that can be held of John as a boy was that he never really knew what poverty was like till he shared in it with Jesus. Before he came to the decision to follow Christ he was being prepared, in the eyes of Jewish scholars he was like Peter and the other Galilean disciples, an unlearned and ignorant man. â€Å"But he passed through the preparatory school of John the Baptist who summed up his prophetic mission in the testimony to Jesus as the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, a testimony which he afterward expanded in his own writings.†4 Between the writings of the synoptic and the Johannean picture of John, there is an apparent contradiction found; but on closer inspection, it is only the twofold aspect of one and the same character. A parallel example can be seen Peter of the Gospels and the Peter of his Epistles: the first youthful, i mpulsive, hasty, changeable, the other matured, subdued, mellowed, refined by divine grace. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Qatar Free Essays

Known as the State of Qatar or locally Dawlat Qa?ar, is an Arab emirate, in the Middle East, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeasterly coast of the much larger Arabian Peninsula. Its sole land border is with Saudi Arabia to the south, with the rest of its territory surrounded by the Persian Gulf. A strait of the Gulf separates Qatar from the nearby island state of Bahrain. We will write a custom essay sample on Qatar or any similar topic only for you Order Now Qatar has been ruled as an absolute monarchy by the al-Thani family since the mid-19th century. Formerly a British protectorate noted mainly for pearling, it became independent in 1971, and has become one of the region’s wealthiest states due to its enormous oil and natural gas revenues. In 1995, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani became Emir when he seized power from his father, Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani, in a peaceful coup d’etat. [7] The most important positions in Qatar are held by the members of the al-Thani family, or close confidants of the al- Thani family. Beginning in 1992, Qatar has built intimate military ties with the United States, and is now the location of U. S. Central Command’s Forward Headquarters and the Combined Air Operations Center. Qatar has the world’s largest per capita production and proven reserves of both oil and natural gas. In 2010, Qatar had the world’s highest GDP per capita, while the economy grew by 19. 40%, the fastest in the world. The main drivers for this rapid growth are attributed to ongoing increases in production and exports of liquefied natural gas, oil, petrochemicals and related industries. Qatar has the highest human development in the Arab World after the United Arab Emirates. In 2009, Qatar was the United States’ fifth largest export market in the Middle East, trailing behind the U. A. E. , Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. With a small citizen population of less than 300,000 people, Qatar relies heavily on foreign citizens, both for its protection and generating labor demand. Qatar has attracted an estimated $100 billion in investment, with approximately $60–70 billion coming from the U. S in the energy sector. It is estimated that Qatar will invest over $120 billion in the energy sector in the next ten years How to cite Qatar, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

So much in common Essay Example For Students

So much in common Essay October is the month of that annual rite of Americana, the major league baseball World Series. So perhaps its fitting that its also the month in which Anthony Clarvoes comedy Lets Play Two is making its debut at southern Californias South Coast Repertory. The new work by the busy, 31-year-old playwright marries the rhythms of baseball to the rituals of the contemporary mating game. Its players late-twenties Phil and early-thirties Grace bond at a friends wedding over mutual love of the Minnesota Twins, and find themselves facing more adult issues of commitment and responsibility as their friendship unfolds on a meandering road trip. The plays lightness-of-being is a departure for the San Francisco-raised playwright who moved to Minnesota a year ago. Clarvoe gained critical attention tackling computer industry greed with the black comedy Pick Up Ax, seen at South Coast Rep in 1990 and subsequently at a half-dozen other theatres across the country. Since then he has explored life in London during the Great Plague in The Living, which will premiere at the Denver Center Theatre this fall; and examined a catastrophe involving a group of forensics investigators in Show and Tell, which bows later this year at Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. A baseball encyclopedia I had just come off large, rather grim plays and had been looking forward to writing something other than an emotional wrench, Clarvoe said during a recent working vacation in New Hampshire. Lets Play Two was a chance for me to have some fun, and to celebrate some of the things that I really enjoy, like baseball and car trips. There was a playfulness to the process of writing that was new for me. The fact that Lets Play Two required no specialized knowledge beyond his own encyclopedic grasp of baseball presents a challenge of its own, Clarvoe says. This is a play about very ordinary materials and very common occurrences. Its scary to realize that many people in the audience are going to have at least as much experience in these matters as I do, and that there still must be some take on these things that theyll find worth paying attention to. Clarvoe particularly relished the chance to depict a woman, Grace, who was as versed in the subtleties of baseball as any male counterpart. The cliche is that men are the sports fans and that if women enjoy sports its some kind of groupie attraction. When I think of some women I know, nothing could be further from the truth. One group wholl certainly be privy to the scads of baseball references are the folks at SCR (who are producing the play with underwriting help from American Express). These people are intense San Francisco Giants fans, Clarvoe confided. During the 1989 championship series between the Giants and Cubs, wed go straight from rehearsals of Pick Up Ax to find a TV set so we could watch the game. For director Michael Bloom, a baseball buff himself, the challenge lies in negotiating the network of cinematic changes that whisk the plays action from place to place without pause: in one breath the couple are viewing a Twins game on television; in the next, theyre at the baseball park; suddenly, without moving, theyre on the road. Finding the theatrical equivalent of film transitions is not an easy trick, Bloom ventures. And scenically, developing a set that works for the play is an enormous job (which will be shouldered by designer John Iacovelli). Although the play is buoyant next to other Clarvoe plays, director Bloom who guided another SCR premiere Donald Marguliess 1991 Sight Unseen, to a long engagement in New York warns against dismissing it as a mindless romantic comedy. This is a comedy by a serious playwright, who deals with an issue thats on a lot of peoples minds the nature of commitment, what it involves, what its positive value are.